Hello visitor!

As you can see, blogging is not my forté - I am too busy creating stuff to stop and write about what I’m doing. I am not eliminating this page in case anyone finds what I did write useful.

But better to keep up on Instagram or Facebook!

Thanks for stopping by!

Picture Book Illustration Karen Konnerth Picture Book Illustration Karen Konnerth

Why Nike is Right!

Ultimately, it is up to you. Up to you to decide: do I or do I not really, truly want to work towards that nagging dream, whatever it is. Learning something new, reaching a physical goal, creating something, organizing, sharing, bringing people together, or risking all for an adventure.

I’ve come to call it jumping off cliffs. I have jumped off a lot of cliffs: as a very shy person, making a living on a stage as a puppeteer, presenting in foreign languages, working and making connections in very far away places and totally unknown cultures, not to mention parenting. These are all decisions made to jump into the unknown, trusting that you will figure out what you need to know on the fly, and will land more or less intact, and that the next jump will be a little less scary.

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Arts in Education Karen Konnerth Arts in Education Karen Konnerth


I encourage anyone who cares to share their work as an artist in any media, to do so now. Start with just one simple lesson: something only you can teach because of your unique skills and experience. We artists, workers with our hands, imaginative observers of the world, playful users of words, bearers of culture - need to make our unique vision available to children.

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Karen Konnerth Karen Konnerth

Professional in a Pandemic

So, I had had a good tour booked for the month of June and part of July for Summer Reading Programs in libraries across the state as well as a few camps. Some libraries outright canceled, others went to virtual presentations.

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Karen Konnerth Karen Konnerth


Welcome BACKSTAGE! To the paper moon, the cardboard sky, the safety pinned costume, nerves and hard work, tears, jealousy, and joy - the secrets behind the magic!

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