My New Orleans studio in historic Algiers Point right across the Mississippi River from the French Quarter, reflects my years of experience as a professional, touring puppeteer. I have done studio shows here for small, neighborhood audiences, but most of my full time performance work for the last 40 years has been in schools, libraries, and festivals, presenting original stories and curriculum centered adaptations of folklore to audiences large and small, both regionally and internationally. I am offering occasional performances with either my hand puppets or Czech marionettes, as I am thrilled to say that I have now given away a large number of puppets to allow them a life on new stages, as I focus on writing and illustration.
Calliope Kate and the Voice of the River
Children and adults are invited on a journey with the wild, new, tall tale heroine Calliope Kate! Accompany fearless Kate on her parents’ shanty boat, down the Mississippi where she straightens the river, rides a giant catfish, and ends up battling a hurricane with the musical instrument of her dreams - the loud and out of tune steamboat calliope! The tale is told with hand-carved, Czech style marionettes - who also illustrate the book version. Performance and puppet demonstration 30 minutes. Available to travel!
Local (within 30 minutes from New Orleans) prices: 30 minute show followed by reading of the book version, and puppet demonstration: $300. Book order forms available in advance if desired for student purchases of book.
Traditional Tales
• 45 minute shows featuring three stories for audiences of no more than 100 children ages 5 - 10. Local price $350
• 30 minute shows featuring two stories for pre-school age children. Local price $250
Aesop’s Fables
CALLIOPE PUPPETS bring to life original adaptations of either two (for younger children), or three Aesop’s fables with dynamic hand puppets. In The Tortoise and the Hare, we see the value of perseverance. The importance of telling the truth centers The Boy Who Cried Wolf. And The Lion and the Mouse reveals that even the small can be powerful. The hand sewn and sculpted puppets interact with the audience in verbal participation for a fun show for families and children ages 4 - 10.
Louisiana Tricksters
CALLIOPE PUPPETS present tales from the rich heritage of their home state. From French speaking Louisiana, Compere Lapin (born in West Africa, and known as Brer Rabbit in much of the American South) is a sly fellow who plays tricks on whomever he can. In the story of “Compere Lapin et le Jardin”, Bouki is tricked not once, but twice into taking the short end of the harvest. “Turtle Soup” is an original adaptation of an old Cajun folk tale. Everyone helps cook, as a clever turtle manages to outwit Chef Etouffé.
Traditional Tales
CALLIOPE PUPPETS present a lively and interactive pair of old favorite tales. The Little Red Hen works hard to grow the corn, pick the corn, and grind the corn to make her cornbread, while her friends learn that they should have helped her if they wanted to share her feast. And in a humorous telling of The Three Little Pigs, the hungry Wolf is outsmarted by the third little pig with a special surprise recipe just for him! Take away quote from the Wolf, “I SMELL BACON!” The Emperor’s New Clothes is also available to include for a 45 minute show.